Flu can be unpleasant, but if you’re otherwise healthy, it’ll usually clear up on its own in about a week.
This year the flu vaccine is being offered on the NHS to:
- adults 65 and over (born on or before 31 March 1956)
- people with certain medical conditions (including children in at-risk groups from 6 months of age. See list below)
- pregnant women
- people living with someone who’s at high risk from coronavirus (on the NHS shielded patient list)
- children aged 2 and 3 on 31 August 2020
- are the main carer for someone
The main conditions eligible for the flu vaccine are:
- diabetes
- heart disease or health failure
- kidney disease
- stroke or TIA
- asthma which has required treatment in the past year or has resulted in an admission to hospital in the past two years
- chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other significant respiratory conditions
- dementia and other significant neurological conditions
- liver disease
- immunocompromised due to a medical condition or treatment
- body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more (if deemed clinically appropriate by a clinician)
- you live in long term nursing or residential home
Anyone in these risk groups is more likely to develop potentially serious complications of flu, such as pneumonia (a lung infection), so it’s recommended that they have a flu vaccine every year to help protect them.
If you, or a dependent of yours, is aged six months or older and falls in one of the groups above (or you have received a flu vaccination invitation letter you will be eligible for the flu vaccination). The vaccine offers you the best possible protection against the main flu strains in circulation this winter.
For more information please visit: www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine/
Clinic Dates
Aged 50 – 64 Vaccination Clinics
Please call us on 0208 515 9300 to book the next available flu vaccination appointment
Aged 18 – 64 at Risk Vaccination Clinics
Please call us on 0208 515 9300 to book the next available flu vaccination appointment
Aged 65 and Over Vaccination Clinics
Please call us on 0208 515 9300 to book the next available flu vaccination appointment
Child Vaccination Clinics
We will be running nasal flu clinics on the below dates for the following eligible children:
- children over the age of 6 months and 17 and under with a long-term health condition
- children aged 2 and 3 years on 31 August 2020 (that is, born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2018)
Please call us on 0208 515 9300 to book the next available flu vaccination appointment