My dear patients registered at the practice (we have some 25,000 registered at GP Direct)
In my 40 years in general practice at Welbeck Road I have never experienced what we have gone through in the last 12 months.
As a team of 60 including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapist, receptionists, administration team and the management team, we have strived to do our best to offer a high level service despite all odds, not only in relation to Covid-19 but for all the other standard ailments.
I know we have lost a large number of our patients to Covid-19. On behalf of the team I would like to extend our personal condolences to and each and every one of you who have lost your loved ones directly or indirectly as a consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic. This must be so hard and had the lockdown restrictions not been there I would have liked to hug each and every one of you. May God rest the souls in peace of your departed ones and may He also give you abundance of strength and patience to bear your losses. Please do visit this site www.gpdirect.co.uk/bereavement-support/ for bereavement support
I have just heard this morning (28/01/2021) that for the first time during this lockdown we have had a 20% reduction in admissions to our local Northwick Park Hospital in the last 24 hours. I have no doubt that it’s due to the combination of the lockdown and the massive vaccination drive. Myself along with other GPs have had the vaccination, over 80% of our practice team have been vaccinated. If you are over the age of 70, a patient within the shielded category or a health and social care worker, have you had your vaccination? My advice is to book this immediately.
As younger groups of patients are invited for the vaccination please make sure you book one promptly.
Bless you all
Dr Nizar Merali
Senior GP Partner