Stoptober – Quit Smoking and Breathe

Smoking attacks our lungs and makes it harder to breathe. So now’s the time to quit. And if you quit for 28 days, you’re five times more likely to quit for good

Stoptober is back for 2020, with the primary aim of encouraging the nation’s smokers to make a quit attempt for the month of October and beyond.
Please find enclosed an e-flyer which provide more details of who we are and what we offer.
What to expect
Currently we are operating regular telephone/video call sessions with a smoking cessation advisor. Nicotine replacement products (e.g. gum, patch, lozenges, inhaler, nasal spray) are being posted by recorded delivery to your home.

Why it helps
Your advisor will provide free nicotine replacement therapies and other stop smoking medicines. They will be able to recommend which product or combination of products could work for you.

Stopping smoking is one of the most important and worthwhile decisions you will ever make. No matter how long you have smoked for, quitting can help both your physical and mental health immediately. You’re 4 times more likely to quit with expert help and reduce the risk of life-threatening complications from COVID-19.

WDP Harrow Smoking Cessation Service
Free and confidential stop smoking services in the London Borough of Harrow
Tel: 0300 303 2868

The service is free and open to all Harrow residents aged 18 or over.