If the clinician feels you would benefit from physiotherapy they are able to refer you to a number of different providers in the local area or to our own in-house first contact physiotherapist.
First contact physiotherapist
A first contact physiotherapist (or first contact practitioner or FCP) is an evolving role in the UK which brings advanced level physiotherapists into the primary care setting as the first point of care for these appointments. If you are a patient, seeing an FCP means reduced waiting times; longer, in-depth appointments; receiving expert advice faster; and fewer onward referrals. For the practice, it leads to less strain on GPs by offering a greater choice of appointments with highly qualified clinicians.
London Northwest University Healthcare
A team of specialist physiotherapists based at Northwick Park Hospital, Central Middlessex Hospital and Ealing Hospital who will assess and treat you for musculoskeletal problems.
Harrow Health Community Physiotherapy
Harrow Health (HHCIC) works in partnership with GPs in Harrow to provide a community based physiotherapy service. HHCIC work with two different physio providers, Anatomie and Sherwood Physiotherapy, both providers have a number of clinics based at different locations in Harrow.
Physiolink Chartered Physiotherapists
Physiolink (formerly known as Pinner Road Physiotherapy) is an independent physiotherapy clinic serving the needs of the community of Harrow and beyond